Monday, January 10, 2011

The Charm and Excitement From the Carnival of Venice Between Knights and Ladies

Author: David

In Italy there is a city suspended between sky and sea, his name is Venice, a unique city rich in history and art. If you come to visit you will be fascinated by her beauty, and even more if you'll come to take its streets during the Carnival even dressed in masks to relive the emotions of the Venice of the 700th That's because Venice is a city suspended in its glorious past when it reached its peak in 1700.

The creation of masks in Venice is a tradition that dates back to centuries ago, some say as early as 1200. Even today there are many artisans who make beautiful Venetian Masks from the most classical to the most imaginative, all strictly hand-painted and embellished with precious fabrics and feathers. Many of the masks that are sold in stores have ancient origins, especially those that come from the Commedia dell'Arte of Goldoni.

We all know the typical masks of Venice thanks to the comedy written by Goldoni, where, with wit and irony highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the Venetian nobility, merchants and their servants. The most famous among the masks goldoniana is Harlequin, a servant always perpetually hungry despite his involvement in the affairs of the family of Pantaloon surly and stingy Venetian merchant. Arlecchino is engaged with the handmaid Colombina, very mischievous Arlecchino and convinces her to fulfill every desire, especially to buy everything we want.  Pantalone is a miserly old merchant and luxurious that besets the young girls.

But because the Carnival of Venice draws the attention of the world? As early as 700 all the nobles of Europe were attracted to the carnival they could give vent to the most recondite fantasies and lustful desires protected anonymity that the mask worn during the carnival gave them. The Venetians already centuries earlier had introduced the custom of wearing masks during carnival.

Why still the Carnival of Venice is the most famous in the world? Perhaps because even today the transgressions of the past still live in private between the walls of the palace, perhaps also because dressed lady or knight has a sense walking in this city magic where time seems to take us in the past. It 'true that the emotions that you live are definitely unique and powerful emotional impact. You will not be yourself, you feel being part of an ancient world, magical. Walking the streets of Venice or in the fields you will feel as if the city did always and if you have the good fortune to come into a building where there is a private party let fun, to balls, to courtship.

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About the Author

The most beautiful and original Venetian Masks can be found at the site of the Italian style, where you can buy them at a reasonable price. Sales OnLine Venice Masks by Italian Styles.

Brought to you by DirectFromVenice

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